Value-based consulting

So that your company can develop its full potential

Your business partners are located all over the world? Cloud, tablet and smartphone, Sharepoint, Zoom and Messenger – all in use? Home office, mobile working, flexible working hours – standard now for quite some time? Your accounting, orders and customer inquiries have long since been handled digitally? The focus is fully on customer experience?
In order to master digitization and use it for your own benefit, you need to know which way to go. Where knowledge is no longer enough, values show you what is good and right for your company. They shape your decisions.
That is why our consulting starts with the clearest unit in the system ‘company’ – the human being and his values.

That is why you should get value-based advice from us

Values are the DNA of your company. You cannot see them. At the same time, they permeate all areas. They are responsible for
  • how your employees interact with each other and with partners in the market.
  • what they specifically do in their roles, functions and tasks and how they do it.
  • whether they know what for they are doing it and feel meaning in their job.

These are your benefits

You only recruit employees who really fit into your company.

The culture of your company is special. Only those who share your values and feel comfortable with them will be committed and motivated.
We support you with our value-based test procedure to recognize what makes potential employees tick and what you can expect from them – so that they are a human and economic asset to your company.

You achieve that all employees are pulling in the same direction.

Employees who find their work meaningful can withstand changes of course, even if things don’t go so smoothly. Because they know what they are doing it for. They deal with each other constructively because they have a common goal in mind.
We support you with our value-based development tools to perfectly compose and strengthen your teams – so that your team members deliver excellent results and feel in the right place.

You make sound personnel decisions that you feel comfortable with

The better you understand the complex web of relationships, roles and tasks in your company, the faster and smarter you can act.
We support you with our value-based analysis and consulting tools to put your employees in the right roles – so that you can achieve your business goals easily and with momentum.


Value-based consulting puts people at the center

You are fully aware that your success depends first and foremost on your employees?
Do you want your team, your department or your entire company to move forward?
We have developed the Globe Model for this purpose.

your employees do exactly what they do best, grow with their tasks, experience their daily work in a pleasant atmosphere and are motivated from within.

you and your committed employees play a key role in ensuring that your company is healthy and efficient and has a secure future.

In these 7 areas profilingvalues supports you

with value-based analysis, consulting and development tools

These companies trust in our consulting

This is why you should collaborate with profilingvalues

We are the pioneers of value-based consulting.
Three decades of project experience – More than 6,000 assessments – More than two decades of value-based consulting.

Our specially developed consulting and analysis tools are based on the findings of modern value science according to Robert S. Hartman and self-determination theory according to Edward L. Deci und Richard M. Ryan. Of particular importance, we also consider the concept of Growth Mindset by Carol S. Dweck. We like to be influenced by management thought leaders like Jim Collins or Yves Morieux. We ourselves are always and everywhere oriented to people, are pragmatic in implementation, and highly demanding in thinking.

In 4 steps to the result

Your request

You describe your issues to us. Via video conference, we go into depth about the content. If it is interesting for both of us to collaborate, you will then receive an offer from us.

Your situation

To start with, we collect information about your company in a briefing – we call this our imaginary ‘site inspection’.

Our performance

Using the example of an agile team journey
The following project design varies depending on the requirements and situations.

Phase 1: Kickoff

We start the process with a meeting in which we inform your team in detail about the project process, either virtually or on-site.

Phase 2: Profiling

Here we use our value-based analysis method profilingvalues. The participants carry out individual profilings and receive a feedback call. We prepare the results in a clear manner. You are made aware of the strengths and potentials of the participants, what motivates them and how they are feeling at the moment.

Phase 3: Workshops

In the first workshop, we clarify with the team the areas in which it can and wants to develop, elaborate initial approaches to solutions, and outline the next stage of the ‘team journey’.
The further phases are designed and implemented in an agile way, loop by loop. We align them with your actual needs. They consist of full or half-day workshops. In virtual meetings, the results from the face-to-face meetings are broken down into subtasks, further developed and implemented.

The result

From stage to stage, they achieve a bit more of the desired transformation. Those who only observe at the beginning quickly join in. Because something actually changes – until your team members find enthusiasm in the journey and create a culture of transformation themselves.

Value-oriented consulting - what our customers say

3 Examples for a consultancy

Result-oriented job/role descriptions

The customer wants help in starting a job filling. He does not know the exact function of a job description and how to write it. Nor is it clear to him what other building blocks are needed to successfully fill the open position.
In a briefing we find out about the position. Based on a list of questions we get a picture of the function, especially the results that are expected from the job holder. We receive an old job advertisement from the client as well as a list of activities that the previous job holder had carried out. We announce that in a few days we will deliver the results-oriented job description including a guide on how he can do this himself in the future.

We are developing the results-based job description using our own methodology for value-based staffing. For this purpose, we use the corresponding guide and the one-page template in which the job description is created. This is divided into four sub-aspects:

  • The why of the job in one sentence: what is the contribution of the job to the company’s success?
  • The how of the job: What are the key outcomes (key results) needed to achieve the contribution to the company’s success?
  • The what of the job: What partial results are needed so that the key results can be achieved?
  • Current additional challenges and formal requirements.
The client receives his results-oriented job description from us, as well as our set of support materials and some examples, so that he can very well manage this step on his own in the future. He also receives a guideline for further important steps in the job filling process. We offer the customer that he can contact us during the current staffing process if he has any questions.

Recruiting process - filling a high-profile team leader position

An innovative engineering service provider in the medical technology and automotive sectors has been very successful for several decades. A management position for a 15-person team is to be newly filled in one of its five development centers. This position has leadership and sales responsibility (approx. € 1.5 million per year).
The extent to which an external candidate is suitable for this position is to be examined.
Project Procedure: The candidate performs our value-based test procedure. The supervisor has previously drawn up a requirements profile together with our consultant. This is used to assess the extent to which the candidate is likely to meet expectations. Some points that emerge:
  • He is an extremely good practitioner who sees solutions and pushes mightily. He is very fast and extremely creative, straightforward, and consistent. He is a very systematic person who stays organized and calm under pressure. He seems to define himself mostly professionally.
  • The interpersonal level is one of his weaker talents. Therefore, the leader should definitely keep an eye on social skills.
  • The candidate seems to have lost his own sense of purpose. It should definitely be questioned whether the company is exactly right for him or whether he is just taking a decision for the next best alternative.
We recommend hiring, as we do not see any major risks. The company is still after many years very satisfied with the meanwhile employee.

Executive / Leadership Development

The CEO of a lifestyle-oriented consumer goods manufacturer wants to further develop his 15-member management team. Financial investors have built up a high pressure on returns. There is fear for one’s own positions and departmental thinking has crept in, hindering comprehensive problem solving and powerful leadership by a team.
The 15 senior executives go through the profilingvalues process and receive individual feedback on the system’s analyses. Starting with a workshop, the problem areas are then addressed constructively and the necessary measures implemented.
An example of this is the feedback given to the CEO. Beforehand, the profilingvalues report and a half-page short memo are sent to the CEO to prepare for the meeting. The topic areas in terms of strengths and development areas are roughly outlined as follows:
  • Excellent analytical level, realistic point of view, resilient nature
  • Interpersonal skills, sometimes a bit too open
  • Fast practitioner and doer who delegates a lot
  • Drives mightily and plans flexibly; develops enormous leverage power
  • Remains organized under pressure and keeps a cool head
  • Extremely concentrated in problem solving, but therefore also often tense
  • Unclear about long-term personal perspective, is searching for meaning; feels a certain ‘inner emptiness’, a kind of ‘being unfulfilled’
  • Momentarily uncertain self-assessment
Key outcome points in terms of questions asked of the CEO in the conversation to encourage insight processes were as follows:
  1. Self-strategy: Where do you see your personal medium- to long-term positioning, also independent of your current professional function?
  2. Self-assessment: At present, your view of yourself is not entirely clear. What could be the reason for this? Let’s consider together which aspects of your self are ‘out of sync’ at the moment.
  3. Lateral thinking / transformation: being realistic, you tend to discard very creative ideas too quickly. Allow for more ‘out-of-the-box thinking’. In which areas could you ‘dare’ more to experiment with disruptive approaches as well?
  4. Over-delegation: this ability, which is very highly developed in you, can lead to you being perceived as disinterested and only numbers-driven. How do you rate your ability to inspire others? How can you expand the ‘range’ of your communication skills?
The conversation was followed by a targeted short coaching process.
In the management workshop, the topics of autonomy and cooperation crystallized as crucial to mastering the increasingly complex challenges on the market. These topics were consistently linked to actual ongoing transformation projects in the areas of production, sales and product management. To this end, a customized leadership training program was developed and implemented.

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Let's talk about it!

We support you with these and other goals. Let’s see together how you achieve them.

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am 12. Oktober 2021 um 18 Uhr dabei sein!

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wie Ihre Teams bessere Ergebnisse bringen!

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Dann holen Sie sich unser Knowhow für Führungskräfte!

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Ich möchte zu den ersten gehören, die informiert werden, wenn sich am
2. November 2021 die Türen zur Academy wieder öffnen.

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